Web Design Blog

How to update WordPress Core and Plugins … The Right Way

WordPress is a great CMS (Content Management System) for all kinds of websites which is why so many people choose it for…

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The Best Times to Post on Social Media

“What are the best times to post on social media?” I’ve often been asked this question by clients.  The problem in giving…

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A Short Summary of SEO A-B-C’s

SEO A-B-C’s When you are wanting more online exposure for your ecommerce business, you need to start paying attention to search engine…

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HTTPS Boosts Google ranking

UPDATE: 12 September 2016  If you haven’t set up SSL on your site yet, get to it! The Google Chrome Security team…

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Google domain replacement: before and after the change.

Google changes URLs in search results

A few days ago I wrote a post on Google’s decision to change search results it shows based on the users device…

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The new Helvetica font: Neue Haas Unica

Neue Haas Unica: Helvetica Font Redesigned

The legendary font Helvetica has been around for a good 30 years. It has been rumored that it would be given a…

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Google Responsive Algorithm

What Google Responsive Algorithm Means for Your Website

This is being called: “Mobilegeddon”. Are you ready? Beginning the 21 April 2015, Google will roll out a new algorithm that will…

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WordPress 4.0 Is here!

Reference: SmashingMagazine.com Starting today, WordPress 4.0, a.k.a. “Benny“, is available for download or to update your 3.x website. As I told my…

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When you just need to concentrate… Jazz and Rain

We’ve all been there. The distractions are too many, the deadlines are too close, your mind gets too cluttered. So, you try…

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Net Neutrality, FCC, and Jon Oliver

This may seem off-topic for a web design blog yet it is not… Anyone who works on the internet or enjoys using…

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Who owns the rights to custom code or software?

Recently I was asked by a client to make copies of custom coding so the client could resell the script to others. …

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Free Alternative to Gotham Font

Free alternative to Gotham font.  All the way back in 2007 I was working on a fan site and campaign to save…

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