St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church

Category: WordPress Websites

St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church of Spring Lake, NJ, hired me to do their website.  The pastor wanted something simple, clean, and easy to navigate.  The interior of the church is entirely made out of the original thick dark brown wood panels with exposed beam ceiling… I found the interior quite impressive and wanted to make the wood a main design element of their website.

The background I choose to use is a warm beige that is soft and soothing.  The main top navigation menu, the homepage slider, and the footer use the same dark wood background image to give it consistency of look and reduce page load times.  For the main text areas I created a division with inset drop shadows and a parchment paper background giving a nice 3D effect.  The accent and link color is royal purple which is a color often used in the church.

Two necessities were a calendar and a way to upload sermon audio and .pdf transcripts of the services.  This was accomplished with several WordPress plugins made for these purposes.  I also added a Google map with click-able driving instructions on their Visit page.