Perfect Painter – Ori Avisar

Category: WordPress Websites was developed for a painting and construction contractor, Ori Avisar, who works in the Princeton area of New Jersey.  The main challenge with this project was showcasing all of the work he has done in 22 areas of work.  This was accomplished by creating a structure for the website by grouping similar areas then creating a page and an image gallery for each area.

Along with the website, we needed to create a logo and a theme that would carry through all his marketing materials.  It was important the logo could be readable at a distance but that it show some style that would be attractive to both men and women.

logo_fullA script font was chosen to make it friendly and attractive.  As the rest of the wording needed to be clean and readable, an elongated block font was used.  Because the words “perfect painter” left a large white space on the lower right, I chose to balance the design with a paint stroke that ended with a paint brush.  The end result is a clean design that represents Ori Avisar’s painting expertise.

However, Ori Avisar is more than just a perfect painter.  Therefore the website needed to make this clear.  I chose to add a slider to the homepage that gave a sample of his main areas of work.  Additionally, lower on the page are thumbnail images that link to each areas page.  These help make the site more navigable as less reading of titles is needed.  Additionally, a full list of services page that links to the area pages works like a site map to further help with navigation.