Jersey Campfire Boys

Category: WordPress Websites

This site is for a duo who plays small venues on the Jersey Shore. They wanted a website that was both functional and also “felt” like them. The theme for was based on the banner they hang behind them on the wall when they play.

The homepage slider is a single slide that uses jQuery to have their name fly-in and the campfire animation drop into view.  Also integrated into this site is a simple music player to allow visitors to hear their sound.

Some of the noteworthy features of this website are:

  • Responsive theme that adapts to the device being used.
  • 100% background that adapts to screen size.
  • Log behind the search form moves inward when search is clicked.
  • Custom caricatures for the two musicians.
  • In-line sound links on their About Us page that adds a bit of humor.
  • Contact forms.
  • Small artistic details like the animated fire in footer and the tent that acts as a backdrop for the copyright, etc.