WordPress Websites


This website was designed by another designer using a hacked theming system. I was unable to fix everything that was wrong with…

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This is a re-design of a website I created nearly a decade ago. The client recently self-published a book (which I helped…

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This is one of my favorite projects. It’s clean and modern yet hints at the ancient. The descriptions of the stages the…

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I chose to handle this by presenting the information in several ways. First, I used a homepage text-based slider that summarizes the…

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National Railway Historical Society, Inc.

This is a large WordPress based website with 200+ pages. The original National Railway Historical Society (NRHS) website was done with the…

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Surrey House Music

The original SurreyHouseMusic.com website was a single page, the purpose of which was to sell physical CDs and to link to Amazon.com…

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99 Percent Out Loud

This client and I became connected as she was researching how to give her website visitors a way to contact their Congresspeople…

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The Oratory Project

The Oratory Project is a service for at-risk teenagers offered by Matt Eventoff and PrincetonPublicSpeaking.com.  As the site needed to present only…

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The F.A.R.M. Team Organization

The FARM Team is a non-profit organization whose mission is to help young people re-enter the workforce while in addiction recovery.  They…

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Princeton Public Speaking

This is a redesign of Matt Eventoff’s original public speaking WordPress sites, which I combined into one site.  The individual articles of…

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Nicole Cyrese – Artist Hairstylist & Haircolorist

Nicole came to me wanting to redo her existing website to more closely reflect her personal style. Some things she wanted to…

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Deadwood Chronicles

UPDATE:  February 2016 As the original website were HTML pages that were not responsive to different device sizes, I have taken the…

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