Earn From PTC Site Design

Category: PTC Websites

EarnFrom.net is a PTC site that uses the script and is powered by, Incentive Scripts. The color choice for this theme is an adaptation of one I did some years ago for a GeN4 PTC website that is no longer in business.  The colors are based on a bright and vibrant green-yellow to the teal-blue gradient that both gives the site a unique look and is also eye-pleasing.  The owner already had a logo created but it was a little small for the space so I did a little tweaking to make it fill the space and give it a more 3-dimensional feel.

Unlike the default template, I changed the menu to be more bold and stylish than the original with a simple hover color change.  The homepage slider is the default slider I did a little CSS on and changed out the images to make it fit the overall design and make it unique to this site.

2 thoughts on “Earn From PTC Site Design

  1. I’m researching PTC script and hosting to start a PTC web site. I found a program that can host and has a script with it but still looking for information before making decision.
    You seem to have a few sites ready for ptc that i like that are no longer being used and you talk about the cloud for hosting how about a script for ptc’s Thanks for your time.

    1. Hi Thomas.

      There are many PTC scripts and services out there. For security and ease of customization I suggest going with GeN4 from PTCPay. Except for a few critical files, the main files are not encrypted. Encrypted scripts are one of the major complaints about most PTC scripts because you have to wait for the developer to make changes for you. With GeN4 (soon to be GeN5) most everything can be accessed and tweaked to your specifications by any competent coder. I work with a very skilled GeN4 coder and we can do most any customization you may need.

      Even though GeN4 is as close to open source as you are going to get with a PTC script, it has the reputation as being the most secure PTC script available.

      As for hosting, the only hosts I recommend are EasyCloud and Snoork. There are pluses and minuses for both so you’ll have to look into them and see which one is best for your situation.

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