
Category: PTC Websites

As his other job was in the metal and steel industry, I took that as my inspiration and created a clean light theme accented with blue, gold and steel colored brushed metal images.

The homepage slider I used for this is a parallax jQuery slider script that allows you to have text and images move into the frame and move in dynamic ways.  Instead of everything being on one image, the final image is built by the timing and directing of numerous layers of text and other images.  I especially liked the look of the initial slider image.  The two halves of the world map spring in from opposite sides and with an “elastic” motion come to settle in the final position.

Other noteworthy features:

  • The menu was reduced to just a few when you first enter the site, then once a member logs in they have full access to all the available pages and income earning methods.
  • The home page statistics were moved from their original position in the menu and added to the top of the three home page text areas.