
Category: WordPress Websites

I chose to handle this by presenting the information in several ways. First, I used a homepage text-based slider that summarizes the most essential information. Second, I used a series of narrated slideshows. Third, I used articles, and last, I added a WordPress blog to a subdirectory.

One of my favorite parts of this design is the logo, which uses a bold, rounded font in white and an animation program to make it look like it is breathing.

Another noteworthy customization is the animated narrator character on the homepage.  This was done with STATE animation software that allows you to link audio files to one of their many characters.  The software syncs the audio file to the words of a text file so the character looks like he is speaking.  Add some strategic gestures, a pretty neat feature that grabs the attention, makes the site seem more personal, and gives some vital information to new visitors.

The main website was created with HTML, CSS, and PHP. The lower sections of the homepage give summaries of the articles as well as a live feed of the most resent blog posts. The latter is accomplished with an RSS reader script and linked to the WordPress blog’s main RSS feed.

The slideshows were created by taking an open-source image and text slider script and custom Javascript coded to add audio narration to each slide and a timer that would move to the next slide when the narration ended. Here is a link to an example of one of these slideshows.