Business Card for Golf Professional

Category: Marketing Materials

Warren Raatz is a professional golf instructor who is making his mark for both his excellent instruction and coaching, but also for his unique approach to the game.  He does not try to make his clients swing differently… he takes what the body does naturally and makes adjustments so the person is able to swing their best swing.  This is why the tag line on the back of the card says “Swing Your Swing”.

When Warren wanted a business card I took the look of his website and translated to look like his website as well as being a functional card.  The front of the card is high gloss that makes the rich colors pop, whereas the back of the card has a matte finish which allow Warren to write on the back.  This way he can use them as part of his trainings and talks to give individuals more personal golf instruction or information.

By adding his name and contact information to the very top and bottom of the card, it allows the eye to be drawn into the depth of the image giving it a wonderful 3D effect.